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Tiếng Việt

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Tiếng Việt

Tiếng Việt

纽约Stuytown 2b1b招室友, New York


505 east 14th street apt 11c, new york, NY 10009, New York, New York(NY) 10009

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ID tài sản: R00765403

Thông tin cơ bản

1 giường

StuytownE14街临街,交通便利,步行一分钟可大地铁L线,M14M15,NYU 校车以及City bike取车点,临近NYU,SVA,Parsons(骑车10分钟之内均可达),L线四站内可转除JZ外任意地铁线路(包括PATH),M15直达联合国。附近生活设施齐全,步行三分钟范围内超市,24小时药房,银行,医院,健身房等一应俱全,小区坐拥纽约稀缺超大私享绿地;纽约美食圣地东村近在眼前,步行10分钟内尽享各国风味! 公寓本人两年前入住时为全新豪华装修,除空调暖气外均与全新交楼豪华公寓无二,卫生情况良好,家具齐全,有数字电视及千兆光纤网。房屋为顶楼西北朝向,视野开阔,房间各个区域都可望到中城高楼,主卧可眺曼岛下城全景,浴室有窗,是明浴可通风。不接受吸烟,养宠物


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Student Accommodation in New York

How much is the student housing in NYC?

Off-campus student housing in NYC ranges from $800 to $2,500 per month, depending on location and amenities.

While on-campus options typically cost $1,100 to $22,00 per month, covering utilities and sometimes meals.

Cheap apartments for rent in NYC offer flexibility but may require a commute, while NYC dorms provide convenience and a supportive community environment.

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When should I start to looking for my student housing in New York?

You should start looking for student housing in New York as early as possible, and the best time to start your search is in late April or early May. Use uhomes.com to browse and book housing that suits your needs well in advance, ensuring you have enough time to organize your move and other preparations. As the demand for rentals increases, planning earlier helps ensure that you'll find the ideal student housing in NYC. 

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What are the best neighborhoods of NYC student housing?

Some of the best neighbourhoods for student apartments in New York to live in include:

  • Upper West Side
  • Greenwich Village
  • Williamsburg
  • Astoria
  • Chelsea

These areas offer a mix of cultural diversity, convenient amenities, and vibrant communities for students to find student housing in NYC. Each neighbourhood has its unique charm, from tree-lined streets and historic brownstones to trendy cafes and waterfront parks, catering to various lifestyles and preferences.

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