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Kimbolton Ave 6 bedroom house, Nottingham


Kimbolton Ave Nottingham NG7 1PS, Nottingham, England NG7 1PS

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ID tài sản: R01419549

Thông tin cơ bản

The property cotains bedroom, living room and bathroom. It is refurnished property with nice bedroom. All rooms are full equiped with full furniture. The transportation is so covenient.


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Student Accommodation in Nottingham

How much is student accommodation in Nottingham?

The rental costs for student accommodation Nottingham vary widely depending on the type and location of the property. Private studio accommodations or one/two-bedroom apartments in Nottingham near the town centre generally come with higher rent prices. However, students can save money by opting for shared accommodation in Nottingham, such as non-en-suite and en-suite rooms in shared clusters. You may need to share bathroom or kitchen facilities but they are significantly cheaper than other student housing options. Here's a breakdown of typical rental costs in Nottingham:


  • - Studio: Rent for studio accommodation in Nottingham typically ranges from £220 to £260 per week. Luxury options can exceed £300 per week, with premium studios at Vita Student Station Street reaching over £400 to £500 per week. More affordable studios in Nottingham, like those at Nottingham Square and Castle Gate Haus, are available for less than £200 per week.
  • - En-suite: En-suite rooms to rent in Nottingham usually cost around £170-220 per week, with some luxury en-suite rooms in clusters reaching up to £250 per week.
  • - Non en-suite: The cost of non-en-suite rooms to rent in Nottingham starts as low as £140-180 per week, making them an affordable option for students.
  • - 1-bed apartment: One-bedroom flats in Nottingham average around £260 to £280 per week. Premium options, such as those at Hydrogen, can cost over £340 per week.
  • - 2-bed apartment: Spacious two-bedroom apartments in Nottingham can be found at places like Carlton Building, with prices exceeding £400 per week, making them ideal for students looking to share.

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What factors should I consider for Nottingham student housing?

Here are several factors to consider if you are looking for student residence in Nottingham:


  • - Proximity to University: When searching for student houses in Nottingham, the distance from campus is a primary factor to consider. Most Nottingham student accommodations are built near campuses or have excellent transport connections, providing easy access to university facilities. However, it's essential for students to research and choose a location that best suits their needs, ensuring an efficient commute to classes.
  • - Budget: Another crucial consideration when searching for student lodge Nottingham is the cost of rent. Most private student accommodations in Nottingham have monthly rental rates, with options to choose between 47-week, 52-week, or other rental lengths. While there may be additional expenses such as utilities and internet, many student flats Nottingham offer all-inclusive rent, eliminating hidden costs. Students should carefully evaluate their budget and select an ideal Nottingham student housing option.
  • - Location: Different neighborhoods in Nottingham have unique characteristics and demographics. It's important to research in advance to ensure the safety and suitability of the area before booking your student lodge Nottingham. Additionally, consider the proximity to essential amenities like supermarkets and healthcare facilities, as well as access to public transport. A well-chosen location can greatly enhance your student life in Nottingham.
  • - Amenities and Facilities: Most Nottingham student accommodations on uhomes.com are well-equipped, but it's important to check for essential amenities such as kitchens and laundry facilities, as well as additional features like gyms, common rooms, and study areas. Although most student properties Nottingham offer similar basic essentials, some luxury student accommodation Nottingham provide higher quality or more comprehensive services, including breakfast, coffee, yoga classes, or dance studios. Ensure the accommodation meets your specific needs and preferences.
  • - Furnishing and Condition: When looking for student housing in Nottingham, you can choose between furnished and unfurnished options. Most accommodations on uhomes.com are fully furnished. It's important to check the condition and maintenance of the property to rent in Nottingham before booking. Ensure that the furnishings are in good condition and that the property is well-maintained to avoid any inconveniences after moving in.
  • - Rules and Regulations: When selecting student housing in Nottingham, it's important to understand the house rules. These may include guidelines on noise levels, especially during late hours, and policies regarding guests. Some Nottingham accommodations have strict rules on overnight visitors and noise to ensure a peaceful environment for all residents. Additionally, if you have pets or plan to get one, you need to check if the accommodation allows pets and under what conditions. Knowing these rules beforehand can help you avoid potential issues during your stay in Nottingham.
  • - Application Process: The application process for student accommodation in Nottingham typically requires certain documentation. You'll generally need to provide identification, proof of enrollment, and sometimes financial information or a guarantor's details. Understanding the application timeline is crucial; it's best to apply as early as possible to secure your preferred student residence Nottingham. The process often includes filling out an online application and submitting required documents. Be prepared to act quickly and follow up regularly to ensure your application is processed smoothly.

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Is it easy for international students to find student accommodation Nottingham?

Nottingham is one of the most student-friendly and affordable cities in the UK. It has great resources and excellent transportation links, making it popular among international students. In Nottingham, international students can enjoy a convenient and vibrant life.


There is a wide range of student accommodation at Nottingham available for international students, many of which are close to universities like the University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University. These include private halls of residence, university-managed accommodations, and private rented houses and apartments, etc.


uhomes.com simplifies your search for student housing Nottingham as an international student. Our expert consultants are here to help with any questions you have about student houses Nottingham. We offer various payment methods to streamline the renting process. These homes for students in Nottingham come with essential amenities and facilities, and provide easy access to transport, supermarkets, and other necessities, allowing you to live a hassle-free life in Nottingham. With uhomes.com, international students can easily find and secure student accommodation at Nottingham, ensuring a smooth transition to this new and exciting city.

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