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Tiếng Việt

Tiếng Việt

Liberty Plaza, London


Liberty Plaza, Leman Street, 伦敦英国, London, England E1 8EU

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ID tài sản: R01489914

Thông tin cơ bản

1 giường

Liberty Plaza
【房型】5-7层(待定)deluxe twin 双人卧室 独立卫浴 独立厨房
【位置】E1 8EU
【交通】交通便利,距离Tower Hill和Aldgate East地铁站步行只要几分钟,公寓到所有主要的大学都可以通过搭乘公共交通方便到达,到ucl,kcl,地铁20分钟可以到达.

公寓内生活设备齐全VX 13051665288 备注租房


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Student Accommodation in London

When is the best time to look for student rooms in London?

The best time to look for the best student housing in London starts in May, although there will be student accommodation available all year round. But this is when landlords and London student accommodation providers begin advertising available properties for the upcoming academic year. First-year and international students generally start looking in January for student halls or shared housing in London. It'll be better to start your search as early as possible, ideally six months in advance, to have a wider selection of international student accommodation options and to secure the best deals. Start early if you want to book affordable accommodation in London!

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What should I look for when booking London accommodation for students?

While considering booking international student housing in London, there are a few things to bear in mind:

  • 1. Location: Near London universities, transportation lines, or amenities like shopping malls or restaurants.
  • 2. Budget: Consider London room rent and additional expenses like utilities and internet access. Research carefully if you want to rent affordable accommodation in London.
  • 3. Types of student accommodation: Choose between different room types, such as studio flats, en-suites, shared apartments, private rooms, or single rooms for rent in London.
  • 4. Room size: It depends on the number of people who will be living or your personal life needs, including a 1-bed or 2-bed flat to rent in London.
  • 5. Security: Prioritize student lodging in London with adequate security measures: secure entry systems and on-site staff for peace of mind.
  • 6. Facilities/Amenities: Check out what appliances and amenities, like laundry, gym access, and study areas, are included.
  • 7. Lease Agreement: Review lease terms carefully, including payment schedules, lease lengths, and any rules or restrictions.

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What types of accommodations for students are available in London?

Several London accommodation types meet the needs of international students. Choose from our wide range of student properties in London:


Student Studios: Studio apartments in London are available in single or multiple occupancies, with a private bedroom, living space, kitchen, and washroom.


En-suites: Designed for single occupancy, featuring private bathrooms and kitchen spaces for independent living.


Non-en-suites: i.e., shared accommodation London, which comes with a private bedroom, shared living space, shared kitchen, and shared bathroom. 


These are the main types of accommodations available to students in London. You can select your places to stay in London, England, considering your preferences, budget, and needs.

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