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Tiếng Việt

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Tiếng Việt

Tiếng Việt
Nhà / United Kingdom / CoventryChỗ ở sinh viên / Room with ensuite near city centre and Coventry University

Room with ensuite near city centre and Coventry University, Coventry


Holyhead Chambers, Coventry, England CV1 3AW

Xem khoảng cách tới các trường đại học

ID tài sản: R00519414

Thông tin cơ bản

The property cotains bedroom, living room and bathroom. It is refurnished property with nice bedrooms. All rooms are full equiped with full furniture. The transportation is so covenient.


Hãy để uhomes.com tìm chỗ ở mơ ước của bạn

Chỗ ở đã xác minh
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Tư vấn viên hỗ trợ 1-1
Ưu đãi độc quyền

Liệt kê những mong muốn về chỗ ở lý tưởng của bạn - Ưu tiên về ngân sách, khoảng cách đi lại, các tiện nghi thiết yếu, an ninh, an toàn!

Họ tên đầy đủ
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Thành phố hoặc Trường đại học của bạn
Yêu cầu của bạn (ngân sách, đia điểm, dịch vụ đi kèm)

Tôi đã đọc và đồng ý với Chính Sách Quyền Riêng Tư Điều Khoản Dịch Vụ

Gửi thông tin đến uhomes.com

Student Accommodation in Coventry

When should I start looking for student accommodation in Coventry?

It's generally a good idea to start looking for student accommodation Coventry in October or January. If you prefer to prepare things beforehand, you’d better begin searching for Coventry housing in October.

What to consider when looking for student flats in Coventry?

While searching for student accommodation in Coventry that better suits your preferences, there are some key factors to consider:

  • Location
  • Budget
  • Coventry student accommodation types
  • Amenities and facilities
  • Security
  • Lease Terms

What types of Coventry housing are available for students?

There are various Coventry housing types with reasonable prices. You can choose from the wide range of student properties in Coventry according to your personal needs or budget:


University Halls of Residence in Coventry: It is the Coventry colleges that manage these on-campus accommodations for students. On-campus accommodation is usually limited and in high demand, so it's essential to apply as early as possible if you are interested. 


Studio Flat in Coventry: Studio accommodation is self-contained with a private kitchen and bathroom, ideal for students seeking more independence. One-bedroom flat in Coventry is very popular among overseas students.


Private Student Accommodation in Coventry: Private Coventry apartments always come with more facilities and amenities and are located near the main campus. They can be found through estate agents or online student housing platforms, uhomes for example. 


Shared Accommodation Coventry: House share in Coventry with other students is good for saving living expenses. The shared communal areas are typically kitchens and bathrooms. If you prefer cheap student houses in Coventry, share rooms are optimal solutions.

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