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Nhà / New Zealand / WellingtonChỗ ở sinh viên / Wellington Student Accommodation in City

Wellington Student Accommodation in City, Wellington

Student Accommodation

140 Ghuznee St, Te Aro, Wellington, NorthLand 6011

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ID tài sản: S00660221

Thông tin cơ bản

这是一栋位于惠灵顿市区的学生公寓,地理位置极佳,极近惠灵顿维多利亚大学Kelburne校区, 周边步行可到New World超市,近惠灵顿植物园、新西兰国家博物馆Pipitea、电影院和购物中心。目前有Standard Single Room 和 Premium Room两种户型,所有房型都需要Share卫浴和厨房(每层2个烤箱,3-4个冰箱),Share洗衣房(2个洗衣机,2个烘干机),每层有晾衣地。水免费,电的话,公共区域免费,每个房间有自己的电表,35刀88度电=9~15个月的正常用电。网络Nzwireless 提供,每个需要买Voucher,分流量购买,价格10G- $20 30G- $40 60G- $60 100G- $65嫌贵的话小伙伴们可以合买然后用1个路由器Share,非常灵活。

请仔细查看公寓发出的邮件以及合同,Check in的时间和地点以公寓方的文件为准,如需在非工作时间办理入住请务必联系公寓。


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Student Accommodation in Wellington

What types of student accommodation are available in Wellington?

Wellington offers diverse student accommodations, ranging from university-managed residences and private hostels to shared apartments and homestays.

How secure are the student rooms in Wellington?

Safety is a top priority in student rooms in Wellington. Many have secure access, CCTV monitoring, and often on-site staff. It's advised to choose reputable providers to ensure your safety.

What is the cost of student housing in Wellington?

The cost varies based on the type of housing, location, and amenities included. You may expect to spend between NZD 150 to NZD 400 per week on average.