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Nhà / New Zealand / AucklandChỗ ở sinh viên / Single Room of House near Massey University Albany Campus (10th Sep)

Single Room of House near Massey University Albany Campus (10th Sep), Auckland


Newbury Pl, Schnapper Rock, Auckland 0632, Auckland, NorthLand 0632

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ID tài sản: R00605491

Thông tin cơ bản

别墅位于Newbury Pl,现有一个单间可供出租,租金是170澳元每周,白水电网,需要与另一个女生共用卫浴,厨房可以做法,尽量少爆少炒,有家具和电器。临近学校适合学生居住。


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Student Accommodation in Auckland

How many types of student accommodation in Auckland are available?

There are three types of student accommodation in Auckland: studios, en-suite rooms, and apartments. Each offers a unique living experience. Check out uhomes.com to find the room of your choice!


How much is the rent for student accommodation in Auckland?

Student accommodation in the Auckland is expensive; on average, you'll pay NZ$250-350 per week. The exact price depends on the type of room you book and the location. For example, single room accommodation in Auckland is around NZ$440 per week, and shared rooms in Auckland are around NZ$480 per week. You'll get the deepest student discounts when you rent a room through uhomes.com.

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Why choose uhomes.com to book student accommodation in Auckland?

The uhomes.com stands out from the rest of the rental agencies with its unique advantages and is dedicated to finding every international student a home abroad. We offer student flats in Auckland close to the university with different room types to choose from. You can contact us to get the latest information about student accommodations in Auckland.

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