

Londonderry House


2 Newton Street, Birmingham, England B4 6NB


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【公寓概况】Londonderry House为您提供En-suite和Studio两种房型,所有房间都带有独立卫浴,不用和其他人共享,同时卧室内诸如书桌、衣柜、窗帘等设施一应俱全。如果您选择居住En-suite房型,您需要和其他舍友共享厨房,厨房内设有冰箱、微波炉、抽油烟机,吐司机、烧水壶等设备。Londonderry House内设有公共休息室,在公寓覆盖区域都有免费Wifi。在您所缴纳的房租中将包含用水费、用电费和上网费等一切费用,为您免去琐碎的缴费过程。




No Place No Pay:Book a room at Londonderry House in Birmingham today, but if you don’t get the grades you need for university and no longer require the room, you won’t pay a penny.
This offer is open to prospective students applying for higher education in Birmingham for the 2020/21 academic year.
If an applicant does not get a place on the course they applied for, they need to provide evidence from the educational establishment to Host within 48 hours of their results being published.
Evidence can be a written rejection letter from the educational establishment or UCAS confirmation of rejection. Evidence must be emailed to Londonderry House.
Documents must be received by Host Londonderry House Birmingham within 48hrs from the date your results are published or by 1st September (which ever date is the sooner).
On receipt of the required documentation it will be verified and, provided Host Londonderry House Birmingham are satisfied, we will cancel your agreement and refund your rent advance in full.
Please be aware that refunds can take up to 28 days to complete.
Any applicants who do not provide evidence by the timings outlined above will be held to their tenancy agreement and will be liable for all contractual charges.
Offer valid from 30th April 2020 only.
These terms and conditions are correct as at 30th April 2020, but Host Londonderry House Birmingham reserves the right to change them or remove this offer at any time without prior notice.
No Visa No Pay:Book a room at Londonderry House in Birmingham today, but if you don’t get your Visa approved for studying in the UK, and no longer require the room, you won’t pay a penny.
This offer is open to prospective first year international students applying for higher education in the UK for the 2020/21 academic year.
If an applicant does not get their Visa approved to be able to study in the UK, they need to provide evidence that their Visa application has been rejected to your chosen Host accommodation within 48 hours of rejection.
Evidence must be emailed to Londonderry House.
On production of sufficient evidence of the Visa rejection, within 48 hours of receiving it, the applicants booking will be cancelled in full, with a full refund of the initial rent payment.
Please be aware that refunds can take up to 28 days to complete.
Any applicants who do not provide sufficient evidence by the dates outlined above, will be held to their tenancy agreement and will be liable for all contractual charges.
These terms and conditions are correct as at 4th June 2020 but Host Londonderry House Birmingham reserves the right to change them or remove this offer at any time without prior notice.
Restricted Travel:If you’re unable to travel to the UK due to Government travel restrictions, and no longer require your room, you won’t be charged a penny.
This guarantee is open to all international students applying for higher education in the UK for the 2020/21 academic year.
If an applicant is disallowed from travelling to the UK exclusively as a result of Covid19, they need to provide evidence from either the UK Government or from the Government where you live confirming this advice (in English). This must be provided to Host.
On production of the relevant Government confirmation (in English), the applicants booking will be cancelled in full, with a full refund of any 2020/21 rental payments made. • All applicants wishing to take up this option need to contact the accommodation where they placed their booking directly in order to activate this Guarantee.
Email confirmation will be sent to all students that are accepted onto this guarantee once they have paid advance rent and confirmed their guarantor details where applicable.
Please note in the case of dual occupancy both parties must be eligible for this guarantee in order for it to apply.
Please note that if you cancel the room and rebook, the room may not be available, and the price may be revised in August and September 2020.
These terms and conditions are correct as at 21st July 2020 but Host Student Housing Limited reserves the right to change them or remove this guarantee at any time without prior notice.

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