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Willow Gardens, Vancouver


6111 Tisdall St, Vancouver, British Columbia V5Z 3M9

View Distance to Universities

Property ID: S00667295
Willow Gardens 0
Photos (1)

Basic Info

Positioned just off the bustling Cambie Street in Oakridge, Willow Gardens offers a pool and gym for residents of it one and two bedroom apartments for rent. The stunning Queen Elizabeth Park and VanDusen Gardens are just a few minutes north, while the skytrain is just steps away at Oakridge Centre, along with shops and restaurants!


House Rules

Cancellation Policy


No refunds for cancellations. If you can't move in after signing the contract, find a subtenant or fulfill the contract as agreed. Specific policy determined by the apartment management.

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Student Accommodation in Vancouver

What are the factors to consider before renting an apartment in Vancouver?

Before renting an apartment, you should first understand your accommodation needs, including the area you are renting, the distance and time to and from school, the budget cost, and whether you are sharing an apartment.

After deciding on your needs, it is recommended that students spend some time researching the security situation in the area they have chosen. You can visit the relevant local websites to check the safety factor of the area, and if it is an area with a high crime rate, it is best not to choose to live there.

When looking at properties, pay attention to the availability of amenities around the community, such as supermarkets, convenience stores, hospitals, pharmacies, restaurants, banks, etc..

You should also pay attention to what living goods are provided by the landlord, whether they can meet your daily needs, and what additional things you need to buy. If you plan to find a roommate to share a room, you must discuss these issues with your roommate in advance to avoid conflicts in the future.

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Should I choose a house or an apartment to rent in Vancouver?

Depending on your situation, houses and apartments have advantages and disadvantages, but generally, apartments are more expensive, so remember to consider your own situation.

Can I come to Vancouver and see the apartment before I decide to sign?

Yes, we encourage students to see the apartment in person before deciding to sign up, so they can get a more direct feel for the apartment. However, we have to admit that many students want to move in right away when they arrive in the U.S. Also, the closer to the start of the school year, the higher the price and the fewer good apartments there are. Therefore, students should decide when to sign up according to their actual situation.

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